Friday, July 1, 2011

Where to Shop!

Hi there fashionistas!
  Welcome to the first post of Summer Outfits! I'm Maddie and I've decided to share with whoever is reading some of my fashion tips and advice I have for this summer because it is always nice to see some other opinions about outfitting.  I will try to post a few times a week.  On the other days of the week, you can check out my other blog posts on July Writing Craze where I will be attempting to write a certain amount of words for every day in July.  I'll also be giving out writing tips and asking you questions about your own writing!
  But back to this fashion blog.  Let's start with the basics: where to find your clothes.  I strongly recommend places like TJ Maxx and Ross where items are cheap, but cute.  Clothes in TJ Maxx and Ross are usually surplus items from designers or clothing that might be out of season, therefore given to places like TJ Maxx and Ross for a better price.  I like these stores because they have a much wider variety of styles.  Mainstreaming style clothing in stores like PacSun and Nordstroms limit the shopper to one style for a higher price.  With the wide selection of clothes from TJ Maxx or Ross, it is easier and much more fun to design my outfits because with the bigger selection of clothes, the more outfits I can create!
  In addition, stores like these carry all sorts of clothes at all times.  So, if you are looking for jeans but the mall stores are only stocking up on short short shorts because it's summer, you can head on over to TJ Maxx and/or Ross and find those jeans!
  And lastly, I would recommend DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) or Payless Shoe source for your summery shoes.  Finding fitting and cute shoes are the only thing TJ Maxx and Ross lack.  However, hope is not lost!  DSW carries designer shoes for a cut price with styles from sandals to wedges to heels to tennis shoes.  And Payless is an inexpensive shoe store that pops up everywhere in malls and centers.
  All right shoppers!   Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, leave me a comment and I'll be happy to answer.
                                    XOXO, Maddie

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